| 612-978-3783 * 612-871-4354 Crown Medical Support Services (CMSS) is a non-profit section. We work to promote humanitarian projects. We are charged with raising funds through donations, contributions from individuals and corporations for several projects in the United States and overseas. LEAD ABATEMENT PROJECT Crown Medical Support services, a 501 c3 organization is licensed by the State of Minnesota to offer Lead Removal and Abatement services to individuals whose homes were built on on before 1978. Free temporal relocation costs up to $500.00 are paid to individuals who qualify, for the duration of lead abatement work. Also such homes qualify for a 50% subsidy on costs which include window replacement of the building if they qualify.
Children who live in homes built on or before 1978 are particularly vulnerable and should be tested periodically for lead poisoning at our clinic. A member of Lead Abatement Team is seen in this photo working on site. Flakes of old paint which contain lead if ingested by children could cause neuronal damage, learning disability and even death. Our team wear protective gear to avoid self contamination. Observe properly clad Crown Medical Support Services worker carefully hyper vacuuming the paint flakes to avoid recontamination of the soil. Protective rubber are laid on the ground before abatement process begin. Grants for free lead testing and abatement including new window replacement are available for homes that qualify. Please contact Crown Medical Support Services at 612.978.3783. For more information on these please contact our Lead Abatement Team at: 612-978-3783; 612-716-9425, or 612-871-4665. | We work with inner city residents, immigrants, refugees and people below 250% poverty level.
Are you interested in helping with our Humanitarian efforts?
You may donate a tax free donation. We accept cash, all credit cards and checks in the amounts of $10, $20, $25, $50, $100, $200, $300 or more as you may deem capable.
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Some of the donations will be used to support humanitarian projects overseas. Some examples of projects we target: Sending medicines and hospital equipment to ill-equipped and non-equipped clinics and hospitals in Africa. Sending books for schools in Africa. Development of clean water (bore hole) projects in Africa.
We thank you for your help! Some projects of Crown Medical Support Services: preventive health education lead screening for children and homes lead abatement for homes treatment of children with toxic levels of lead refugee and immigrant acculturation providing healthcare and psychological services to those who cannot afford these services health outreach programs to schools and recreation parks free HIV tests and monthly publication of health articles in the minority newspapers in the Twin Cities