Crown Medical Center

1925 1st Ave. S.
Minneapolis MN  55403

7001 78th Avenue N
Brooklyn Park  MN


612-978-3783 * 612-871-4354

Services and Information:

Child and Adult Medicine /  TEEN (13 years +) Check-up / immunization/ flu shots.
Immigration physical examination
Travel clinic
Psychologist services
Confidential STD testing, free HIV test & Care.
Convenient primary & Urgent care clinic / Work Physicals.
Lead screening in children
Family Healthcare/sports Med/Work injuries.
Physicals & Adult Medical Care  For chronic Illness: diabetes, High blood pressure, Arthritis, asthma etc
Convenient Laboratory facility and X ray facility
Medication management/ Family planning/ drug screening.

For appointment call 612-871-4354,
contact us online.
Address 1925 1st Avenue South Minneapolis 55403

Crown Medical Center and Support Services (CMSS), a 501(c)(3), was founded in April 2005 with the desire to bridge the gap in healthcare services disparities of minorities, women and immigrants with the mainstream society.

Our Center is governed by five-member board of directors. The board is responsible for the  development of operational policy and direction of the organization. They delegates responsibilities for day-to-day operations to the Executive Director and staff. The board is diverse and is comprised of four officers, which include the chair, vice chair, secretary and the treasurer. The Board of Directors meets once every sixty days and holds its meeting at such times and places as a majority of the directors in office determine. All board members serve two- year terms, but are eligible for re-election. Our organization is well managed by professionals and our payroll and accounting services are provided by outside accounting firm, Ubani Associates PPLC.  Since our inception we have offered medical and counseling services to several individuals majority of them people of color and African immigrants in Minnesota. 

We provide medical and preventive health education outreach services to residents of Twin Cities and metropolis, especially the uninsured. In collaboration with Crown Medical Center, we offer urgent, primary care and laboratory / diagnostic services on a wide variety of acute, chronic and infectious diseases. We are one of twenty four centers in the state of Minnesota certified by the Department of Home Land security (INS) to screen recent immigrants for contagious diseases such as HIV/ AIDS, hepatitis B, syphilis and tuberculosis. The certification also allows us to offer educational counseling services on preventative health issues to the immigrants and to reach a large gamut of people worldwide.  We do extensive educational outreach (awareness) which is the key to containing the morbidity and mortality associated with most contagious diseases. Crown Medical Support services are constant guests of McFarlane radio show in Minneapolis (KFA1 90.3) every first Tuesday of the month where we broadly discussed the health disparity and ways of bridging this. We also publish articles monthly on preventive health topics in several Twin cities newspapers. In the state of Minnesota we rank at the top bracket of cultural specific centers that caters to the health needs of people of color especially African Immigrants.



Crown Medical Center offers a clean,
professional place for you to receive
 your medical care. 

Flexible low sliding fees for those with NO INSURANCE. APPOINTMENTS & WALK - INS ACCEPTED.
Crown Medical Support Services is located in the inner city of Minneapolis, in an area predominantly inhabited by immigrants and minorities who we serve. Three large Somali and Latino malls and prayer houses, the Convention Center and Century Plaza are a few blocks from Crown Medical and are visited by over 7000 benefit recipients per week hence we are very easy to reach by the target population.




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